Consultation with the Ombudsman and Privacy Commissioner
The Inspector-General may be consulted by the Ombudsman or the Privacy Commissioner on matters relating to their functions.
Outer Space and High-altitude Activities Act 2017
If the Prime Minister issues a certificate that activities pose a significant risk to national security under section 55 of the Outer Space and High-altitude Activities Act, the holder of the relevant licence or permit may complain to the Inspector-General in relation to any advice given to the Prime Minister or other relevant Minister.
Employment Relations Act 2000
The Employment Relations Authority may ask the Inspector-General to prepare a report about a NZSIS recommendation about whether an individual should be granted a security clearance. The ERA must have regard to the report prepared by the Inspector-General before making a decision on the matter.
Health and Safety at Work Act 2015
Where the Director-General of an intelligence and security agency makes a declaration that provisions of the Health and Safety at Work Act do not apply in relation to an employee of those agencies, that employee may complain to the Inspector-General to review that declaration.
Civil Aviation Act 2023
If the Director of the Civil Aviation Authority makes an adverse security check determination for a New Zealand person based on the recommendation of the NZSIS, or if the Minister gives a notice under section 355 of that Act, that person must be advised that they can complain to the Inspector-General about the recommendation.
Passports Act 1992
The Director-General of an intelligence and security agency must notify the Inspector-General if the agency provides classified security information for decisions relating to a refusal to issue, cancel or retain a New Zealand travel document on grounds of national or international security.
Telecommunications (Interception Capability and Security) Act 2013
If a Minister or other decision maker relies on classified security information in making relevant decisions the affected party (usually a network operator) must be told they may be able to complain to the Inspector-General in relation to any advice given to the decision maker by an intelligence and security agency.
Terrorism Suppression Act 2002
The Director-General of an intelligence and security agency must notify the Inspector-General if the agency provides classified security information to the Prime Minister or department to assist the Prime Minister to decide whether to: designate an entity as a terrorist entity or to decline an application to revoke a terrorist entity designation.